With all the babies coming,... and because they're so quick and simple... I've been knitting baby socks "like gangbusters" as my husband might say. I don't know what that means, so maybe I shouldn't say it. I hope to post pictures soon.
Nesting... isn't that what all pregnant people in their last 2 months do? Until she makes her appearance, I'll probably be knitting and napping. Please pray that she is born close to her due date, is less than 10 pounds, and that the delivery goes smoothly. That is, of course, besides the healthy and strong request which goes without saying, but I just said anyway... Thank you!
I'm working to complete this baby's blanket. I hope it's finished soon. I have 11 of the 16 sections completed... the lace border keeps "messing up". I'm trying to really focus when I'm working on that part of it, but I've had to rip the edge twice in the past 2 times I've worked on it. This makes the mistake I made in the beginning really stand out to me... I don't know whether I'll just let it go or attempt to fix it.