Friday, February 27, 2009


I've been wandering around and found a few sites that look good.  I'll try to compile them today here.
The first is for learning to finesse your knitting.  All those little technical details that you want to know before you start your next project.  TECHknitting.
I also like WendyKnits for her patterns and instructions.
For finishing a large project that starts off as 12 small projects.  You can knit Scarves to Throw at Jimmy Beans.
I like lemons... and I like her free patterns, too.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Knit Kit

Oh. MY. Goodness!!!  I squealed when I saw this.  I must have one.  Why, oh why, must I wait until March?!  I'm slightly heartbroken... but, I'll get over it.  My oldest asked if that's what I want for Mother's Day.  
Uh,... YEAH!
Look.  Look.  It's the Swiss Army knife for knitters.  It's available for pre-order here.

Friday, January 9, 2009

~a sigh of relief~

It went pretty well.  Left no scars.  Caused to tantrums or headaches, even.  Several students were knitting when we left and that's what makes us happy!  I'm looking forward to next week.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm a little nervous

This is the email I sent out to friends a week or so ago:
Calling all yarn crafters!
You are invited to a Knitting/Yarn Craft Workshop.  For 5 weeks on *(info deleted)* there will be lessons for those just learning to knit and/or crochet and those who want to improve or if you just want to come and knit-along, there will be a seat for you, too.  There will be free patterns.  There MAY be snacks :o)  There will be fun and encouragement, Lord willing.  There is space for 10.  Please reply and let me know if you are interested.  We hope to begin the first week of 2009.
What projects are you most interested in making?  Right now I'm thinking "dishcloths".  They range from simple to advanced in construction and are fairly quick to finish.  We will be able to help with some patterns other than dishcloths.  
We'll show you how to navigate through Ravelry if you've never been there.  Ravelry is a great place for free patterns, but it is not a place for children to be "browsing".  Here are some more of our other favorite yarn crafting locales:
If you do not yet own knitting needles, we highly recommend Options and Harmony needles from Knit Picks.  For crochet hooks we recommend Susan Bates Silvalume (available at most craft stores).  If you have any other questions, email is the best way to reach me this week.
God bless,
So now, I'm a little nervous.  I'm trying to put some things together.  Gather my wits... you know, the impossible...  There has been great response, so far.  I'll let you know if I survive.