Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My foray into Toe-Up Magic Loop socks

Wish me luck.  These are videos I've found helpful.
The Cast On:
The Heel:

Monday, July 28, 2008

A thousand colors

My Mille Colori Scarf!  I love how it turned out!  I used 2 balls, Crochet CO 24, Box Stitch... sigh... my first totally selfish knitting.  Now, if only we'll get a little cold weather.
Box Stitch:
Cast on multiple of 4.
Rows 1 & 2:  K2, P2
Rows 3 & 4: P2, K2
It looks like this when finished.
Crochet Cast On is so wonderful!  It looks identical to a regular Bind Off.

Friday, June 20, 2008

the little golden rose summer dress

Sorry I haven't posted in forever.  I've been playing with the baby. :o)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A plethora of baby socks

With all the babies coming,... and because they're so quick and simple... I've been knitting baby socks "like gangbusters" as my husband might say.  I don't know what that means, so maybe I shouldn't say it.  I hope to post pictures soon.

Friday, April 4, 2008

a ditto of "Surrounded"

Nesting... isn't that what all pregnant people in their last 2 months do?  Until she makes her appearance, I'll probably be knitting and napping.  Please pray that she is born close to her due date, is less than 10 pounds, and that the delivery goes smoothly.  That is, of course, besides the healthy and strong request which goes without saying, but I just said anyway...  Thank  you!
I'm working to complete this baby's blanket.  I hope it's finished soon.  I have 11 of the 16 sections completed... the lace border keeps "messing up".  I'm trying to really focus when I'm working on that part of it, but I've had to rip the edge twice in the past 2 times I've worked on it.  This makes the mistake I made in the beginning really stand out to me... I don't know whether I'll just let it go or attempt to fix it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

93, 94, 95.... ?

I got to the end of row 4 in my repeat on the linen cover I'm knitting where the instructions say "k to last 6 sts", so I got to the last FIVE sts and said to myself, "Wait a minute..."  Go back and count... (I always count by 3s and when I get to 30 start over.)  The cover has 96 sts, so it sounded something like "....24, 27, 30. Umm... 3... 5?"  I finally found the elusive dropped stitch about 12 rows down.  Arghhhh!
The good news is that linen is so much softer to knit once it's been worked previously.  I have been seriously contemplating ditching the whole project and selling the yarn that has me so confounded.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Disappointment, sort of.

I keep forgetting to take pictures of my FOs before I give them away!  I just finished knitting the BSJ in stockinette and it turned out so cute!... with little heart buttons!  I put on a collar and ribbed the cuffs and then realized the collar was too small, so had to rip and add (which is fine for how cute it turned out).  I had to wash and block it because it was a little wrinkled... AND THEN, didn't take a picture!  *sigh*
I finished a pair of booties for the new baby and since she's ours I won't be giving these away.  When I finally get them documented, I'll post them.  

Monday, January 28, 2008


That's what I said when I saw that the yarn store had the color I wanted!  My 15yo cracked up.  She didn't know I'd been dreaming and hoping desperately that it would be there, thinking that it might not.  I also found beads to knit onto the dreaded "nursing cover"/wide scarf.  I think it's going to turn out well.  I've had a happy/content feeling ever since Friday (eeeee) night.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick...
A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul"
                                       ~Proverbs 13

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Switching Tactics

I'm wrapping up my blue projects and hope to be purchasing pink yarn in the very near future!  We found out the latest baby is a girl.  Some of the blues will go to the midwife's new grandson and some will be saved for future gifts.
I have been able to bind off several projects but am still looking for the camera!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mohair... who knew?

I just found out what fiber I am.
Mohair – A smooth, polished surface“Mohair is warmer than wool, with larger, flatter scales that contribute to an overall silky-smooth appearance. The fiber absorbs dye readily and, thanks to that smooth surface, reflects it back brilliantly.” –The Knitter’s Book of Yarn
"Mohairs are positive and confident. You always strive to make a good first impression because you are a proud person, and you care a good deal about what people think of you. You are careful with your words and are always tactful. You enjoy having a broad base of support and respect from those whom you come in contact. You attract this with your warm, sunny, and inquisitive personality."
What fiber are you? Find out here.