Thursday, February 28, 2008

93, 94, 95.... ?

I got to the end of row 4 in my repeat on the linen cover I'm knitting where the instructions say "k to last 6 sts", so I got to the last FIVE sts and said to myself, "Wait a minute..."  Go back and count... (I always count by 3s and when I get to 30 start over.)  The cover has 96 sts, so it sounded something like "....24, 27, 30. Umm... 3... 5?"  I finally found the elusive dropped stitch about 12 rows down.  Arghhhh!
The good news is that linen is so much softer to knit once it's been worked previously.  I have been seriously contemplating ditching the whole project and selling the yarn that has me so confounded.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Disappointment, sort of.

I keep forgetting to take pictures of my FOs before I give them away!  I just finished knitting the BSJ in stockinette and it turned out so cute!... with little heart buttons!  I put on a collar and ribbed the cuffs and then realized the collar was too small, so had to rip and add (which is fine for how cute it turned out).  I had to wash and block it because it was a little wrinkled... AND THEN, didn't take a picture!  *sigh*
I finished a pair of booties for the new baby and since she's ours I won't be giving these away.  When I finally get them documented, I'll post them.